Sunday, March 23, 2008

Mother, May I Eat a Tomb, Please?

a what? A tomb, it's something you put dead people in. Ahhh.

The boys went to Sunday School today. Yes it's Easter (and A.'s birthday. It'll be more than 200 years before that happens again). Even more exciting, it was R.'s first day of Sunday School. He's been before but never made it from start to finish. He has sat with me in the crying room with the "ladies" for the most part. The ladies are the wheelchair bound grandmas who sit in the crying room. I have not seen any babies in the crying room, just the ladies, R. and me!

R.'s first bible verse was "Do not be alarmed, He is not here, He has risen!" Mark 16:6. Yes, he did memorize it, complete with chroeography. Before the recitation, he drops to his knees and throws his hands to the heavens and says "Do not be alarmed..."

Well, at Sunday School, the boys made their artwork displaying their Bible verse and they also made a special snack "tombs". They had cinammon rolls that were risen, so they were hollow inside. When cut in half they resembled tombs. The boys brought home their leftovers. They seem to have enjoyed their tombs.

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