Tuesday, April 22, 2008

CVS Today

We hit CVS today. We had a money maker with SoftSoap Shower Gel. It was selling for $4.99 with $4.99 ECB back and I had a coupon. We bought the limit of 5. We will be very clean for the rest of the year. Speed Stick was selling for $3.99 with $3.99 in ECB back. Herbal Essence was B1G1 Free. It was selling for 4.29 and I had two coupons for $1 and $1.50. The boys selected M&Ms as a treat. Can you believe one candy is now $0.79! Where have I been. I used some of my big ECBs from last week in addition to the coupons. My ECBs were for $19.95 and $10.00. Total out of pocket was $0.63. I also came home with more ECBs to add to what I didn't use from last week, another $28.94. I'm getting the hang of this. I'm posting all these details for my gal friend whose name starts with D. You know, I like to protect the innocent here on my blog.


Anonymous said...

Wow! Wish we had CVS up here to get all of those great deals! That's awesome! I don't know how you find the time to figure this all out, it's all I can do to keep an ongoing inventory/shopping list of what we have/need.

My pricebook helps me to keep up with what I should be spending on stuff, but nowadays, it goes out of date every week!!!!

Would love to see you guys sometime soon :)

Love ya!

Anonymous said...

That was me that just left that last "anonymous" comment, sorry! Hit enter accidentally :)


Mrs. Garner said...

You know we have a routine of course. The CVS ad comes out on Sunday. Sunday night I review the CVS ad and the current Albertson's ad. Monday A. has art class. During art class R.and I hit the CVS and Albertsons and we have to be quick and stick to our list and get back to A before his class is over. You should see us speed shopping. I hold onto R. and we zip through the stores!