We finally have a CSA delivering to our town and it's called Abundant Harvest Organics. Here is the website https://www.abundantharvestorganics.com/ If you would like to learn more about CSAs you can check here http://www.localharvest.org/csa/. The produce from Abundant Harvest Organics comes to us from the California Central Valley. Here is a picture of our box from last week.

Hey there! That's funny that you're CSA is Abundant Harvest.....they are based in Hanford! :)
How are you enjoying your boxes?
Please tell the family hello for us....would love to see you guys sometime soon!
Love and blessings,
We love our boxes! The produce is awesome. As I type this, A's face is stained from eating raw carrots :)
Mrs G. Do U have a full or 1/2 subscription.
Nice selection, and Organic!!!
BTW: I have planted Swiss Chard and Roma Tomatoes...
Azure Standard may have a drop near you. It's really neat.
We have the full box.
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