It's overcast. My husband went to Costco for a rare shopping trip. I'm at home prepping all the fruit and vegetables I picked up from the CSA. I have snack ready for when the boys get home.
What's for Dinner
I don't know what we'll have for dinner yet. We'll have a lunch of hot links and greens. mmmm
I just wanted to post how excited I am about the news I received today from a fellow sufferer of keratoconus. Since I received my intacs implants I've made myself available through two internet forums and through my surgeons office to answer questions about Intacs insertion. Today I received news that one of the patients with whom I've been corresponding will be having the procedure in January. I'm so excited for her. I do hope that her experience is equivalent or better than mine. Here is the website for my surgeon. He's quite innovative.
We were working on the yard this evening and a little pal hopped aboard my clothing. We made him a home of a mason jar and a meal of a strawberry. A. named him Roman the Raven. Kids come up with the funniest names.
Do you remember Lincoln Logs? A. 4 has finally discovered them. His Nana M. purchased him a huge set last Christmas. Here he is with his Stagecoach Station.
Friday, May 4, 2007
Today we went to the library. By the time we got home it was 2:00pm and I hadn't eaten lunch yet. I explained to the boys that they would have quiet time on the sofa and watch the movies we borrowed from the library. A asked if they could watch his first; I told him he could. He said to that "It's a great day in the United States of America." Ahh, it certainly is.
For about three days I kept R. at my side. The last day of his staking fell on Saturday when I clean the bathroom. See how he scrubs the toilet. I use borax and baking soda and lots of R's elbow grease.