Saturday, September 13, 2008

Where does the time go?

Hey all,

I sure have missed blogging and will be taking it up again. I have been so busy with the family. All the stuff I do here with the yard and the homekeeping and the frugality are all for my family and they have really needed me and I sure have needed any time off I could get and that meant not blogging for a bit.

Now I have the school year in swing and an entirely new schedule.
Here is a new picture of us, our first family portrait, touched up and everything!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Summer Squash Risotto

digginfood posted a neat recipe for summer squash risotto. Looks good to me and a great way to use up all that summer squash!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Hold it now - crockpot gyros!!!

My friend Lori just posted that she is making crockpot gyros this week. Follow the links to get to the recipe. Sounds great to me! She got the recipe from A Year of Crockpotting who got the recipe from CDKitchen.

Now I'm wondering if crockpot recipes could be adapted to solar ovens. No I don't have a solar oven, just thinking...and wondering...

Sunscreen Guide

We've all are trained to wear sunscreen and put it on our kids. Another mommy and I were talking about this on a recent camping trip. Put the sunscreen on the kids but what is in that sunscreen; is it safe? What are are options? Check out Environmental Working Group's guide to sunscreens and learn what is in your favorite sunscreen brand.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Team Everest - A Himalayan Journey

My husband took the boys for the weekend to visit his hometown. This was the first time in my parental history to have been alone. I mean, come on, who would want to be away from these adorable guys?

Well, it happened and so I needed to do something besides pick up my order from the CSA and buy grass-fed organic milk and beef from the dairy hub sooooo I watched some television, you know the good stuff, two-hour plus inspiring documentaries.

If you need a dose of inspirational style reality television check out Team Everest - A Himalayan Journey. I guess it's true - you can do anything!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Creepy Babydoll and Cardboard

Angry Chicken posted about this creepy babydoll. It reminds me of a doll I played with when visiting my grandmother in Arizona; it gave me nightmares for years!!! I think it so funny what kids will find to play with. Our oldest is enjoying playing with cardboard boxes. Do you recycle for play time???

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Cash for Books-Referral

I want to thank whoever you are for signing up for Cash 4 Books through my blog. It was nice to receive the referral bonus. I have another program to tell you all about - soon - that allows you to sell your old cds and dvds! It's very similar to Cash 4 Books.

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Fun Wormy Post

Hey folks,

It's me! I know I've been gone a long time. See we went camping and with us went the camera. Seems the camera is still in my husband's car and well, I normally shoot and then post so that's why no posts lately.

I did read a really funny post from In the Garden on her new wormery. She took a different route than I. Read about it here. I think having your kids set up the wormery is the way to go!